Monday, May 27, 2013

The Amish People

Here is a video and some pictures of the Amish people in Pennsylvania, USA.

Please leave comments below based on your assigned homework questions.

HomeworkPost your opinion about The Amish lifestyle.  Do you think it is good or bad?  Could you live like The Amish?  
Check the blog again later and read comments from your classmates.  Reply to at least one classmate.

Do you best!!


  1. There are many things inconvenience and dangerous in The Amish lifestyle.
    Forexample, they can't watch TVs,listen to the Radios..they cannot get news rapidly.
    And they have to use oil lamps to light their house so there might be a risk of fire.

    For my opinion,I think The Amish lifestyle is good.Because they don't rely on thchnology.

    In these days,people can't live without technology.So I think I can't live like The Amish.I can't think the life without technology.

    1. Rio-

      If you lived with the Amish for one year. What do you think you would do for fun everyday?

    2. typed by Huskey for Akane


      I think so too. The Amish people don't watch TV and listen to radio. So they don't know many things. I can't believe it. But we depend too much on the technology. So we should try to do their lives.

  2. The Amish's life style is good for globe and them.

    Because, in our living, there are many technology.

    Technology makes our living better, but it has a harmful influence on us and globe.

    So their life style is good.

    However, their rule education is not good.

    In every communities, most important thing is education of children, so thier old life style is not

    good in our time.

    1. Kaichi-

      With the simple lifestyle like the Amish, how can higher education help them?

  3. I think the Amish lifestyle is bad. Because they have so many rules. I think it not good that bind them with rules. Their rules are strict. They should allow flowers, photos, jewelry... I think its not important.

    But another side , their traditions is good . No car is good for Earth. And use horses that sounds fun. I want to ride a horse.

    1. I think the rules are strict too. Flowers,photos and etc... won`t effect anything bad!
      Using horses for transportation device must be very cool and fun.

    2. Why do you think strict rules are bad??
      I think strict rules are good.

      but maybe The Amish's rules are too stirct..!

    3. Hirono, Mariko, & Rio-

      Why do you think they have strict rules?

  4. I think the Amish lifestyle is good because the tradition won`t dissapear and their lifestyle is really good for the enviroment.But I feel sorry for them that they don`t have electricity to have easier lives and they don`t have high school.I wondered what they do after 14 yeas old have past.
    Now useful electronics are natural for me so I can`t live without it and their life sounds boring to me.
    In these reasons I can`t live like Amish.

    1. I think so too.
      The Amish doesn't know the convinient life with electricity..I can't think about that kind of life...!

      And...No high school life is too boring!!

    2. Mariko & Rio-

      I agree. I think I would find the Amish lifestyle boring at times.

      Mariko, please research and tell us about the Amish and what they do after 14 years of age. :) I think you can find a lot of information about them on the internet.

    3. I think anyone can live without technology if you try it.
      Because very old people lived without techonology(・∀・)

  5. Amish's life style is bad i think.
    Now, times are changing so quickly. Peoples' livings change with the times,too. For example, invention of bicycles made our lives better to move around. I think technology improves our lives certainly but Amish avoids to live with technology even now. i know there're so many bad sides of technology but they thinks bad sides too deeply. it's 21c now!!
    Technology was made by the people. It is for the people. (Lincoln??lol)
    Without technology, they can't tell anything to next generations.
    I absolutely can't live like Amish.
    i think 2 things are important to become our lives better:
    1; To know about technology very well.
    2; To live with technology and flow of the times.

    1. Tsubasa-

      You make some great points about technology and how they have improved our lives. Yes, they have bad sides but sometimes the Amish think to deeply about it.

      Why do you think the Amish avoid technology?

  6. I can't understand Amish's life style.
    In the world now,there are meny technologies,
    and the humans can't live without it.
    If I can't use technology,maybe I'll be dead.
    I always use cellphone,play games,get on cars,and so on.
    The life I can't use these items is like hell for me.
    So,I said Amish's life style is hard for me but
    it is wonderful style.
    I admire them very much!!
    There are many many kinds of life styles in this world!!

    1. Kazuki-

      You should try to live one day without your cellphone. It would be a challenge but maybe it will be a good experience for you. ;)

    2. some technology are not good for our health .such as cell phone or computer .right ,they help us much ,but the radiation also bad for us .

      i think amish life is good ,we can steel ourselves in that life , isn't it ?

    3. (typed by Huskey for Asami)


      I think so.
      The amish can't get information from the news because they can't have and watch the TV. It's very dangerous because if the war is caused, they can't know it. I affraid it.

  7. I think Amish's life is not good. This lifestyle is not fit at least me. I want to do many things,but almost all things are impossible,because there are many strict rules.

    I think simple life is good,but Amish's lifestyle is too simple and strict. For example,they can not use cellphone,and can use only horse. It's very dangerous. If emergency occur?Cell phone is more quickly than the horse to contact other people .

    There is good things to life of Amish,but I don't want to live there.

    1. Miu, I agree. If there is an emergency, what would we do? It is very dangerous. However, there were no cellphones 30 years ago and people lived life normally. We believe life cannot be normal without technology because we use it everyday, but the Amish never use these things and never had a life accustomed to it, so they can live happily without many things that we "need" everyday.

  8. I think Amish lifestyle is good, because they can't use technology. Technology is hurmful for earth. Amish people don't use technology, so they don't produce toxic substances.

    However their tradition is bad, because they have a lot of rules for their life. For example they can't have phones wear jeweleries and wedding rings.

    In my opinion technology is important for my life, because I kneo how useful technology is. I can't imagine no technology in my life. So I think I can't live like the Amish.

  9. I think Amish lifestyle is not bad.
    They use horses for transport.It's so cool!
    They don't use techonology.This is good for enviroment.
    I want to try living without techonology like the Amish.
    Because maybe I think I can discover something I never known if I could live without techolonogy.

    But they have a lot of strict rules.
    For example they can't have flowers,carpets in their houses and the Amish women can't wear jewelery.
    These are not techonology and also these are so natural things.
    Why Amish people can't have these things.I can't understand them.

    But if I can live with the Amish only for one year.I want to try it.
    Maybe I will find out the way to enjoy everyday in the Amish lifestyle.
    As time passes I will forget about techonology soon.

    1. I think so too!!
      I want to live without technology like Amish. But maybe I can't continue the life style over one month.

  10. I think Amish life style is good because I like simple.

    Anciently people lived like Amish people. But now is not same time. Modern people surrounded by many technology. We can live very easily by them. So I think we can live like Amish people but it is difficult to change life style like Amish.

    1. If you really live in an Amish community I think you will be more crazy!The Amish lifestyle is not only boring but also unimaginative.

    2. from Mizaki I. (typed from Mizaki's paper by Huskey)

      I agree with you and of coarse simple life style is good. But with the simple lifestyle like the Amish, How can higher education help them? This question said Huskey to Kaichi. I think it is important and we should think about it, but I don't have anything idea, so please tell your opinion.

      Then, I think simple lifestyle like Amish is good for global environment. But it is good that a technique does not develop? I don't think so. I said if they are like the simple lief style, it is ok, but they should think a little about it, i think. how about you?

  11. In my opinion, I think the Amish lifestyle has it's good and bad sides.
    I think having the old simple way of living is good,because it doesn't use plenty of money and it's healthy.
    However, living too simple in this era is not so good,it can be inconvenient, particularly in case of emergencies, the way they transport and communicate with each other are not really helpful.
    I think their education rule is also not good, because every child has the right to be educated.

    I think the simple way of their living is good, but not the rules
    and their tradition.
    But it is important to respect one's beliefs and tradition.

    1. I think so too Joshua!
      The Amish life style has good and bad sides.
      Their living way is good and simple. That is good for wallet, environment and their mind.

      Also I thought Amish education rule is bad.
      If someone really need or want higher education,we shold give it. It will help our life more nicely.

  12. Amish lifestyle is is important for us to live with no technology. Today,we have too much technology. I have a Iphone,it is a amazing thing for me. But I can not stop playing games, so I can not make time to study.

    I know amish lifestyle is good, but I may can not live with Amish people.

    1. Hi!
      I agree your opinion. I think technology is important for my life. But, please think about when the big earthquake happen,(like 3.11) can we use thechnology? Maybe, we can't. So I think we must respect the Amish lifestye.

    2. Arisa

      You make a great point. When the earthquake happened many people did not have electricity for a long time. I think if we had to, we could live like the Amish. However, right now, we have a choice, so many of us do not "want" to live like the Amish, but I think many of us "can" live like the Amish.

      Good post!!

  13. typed by Huskey for Akimichi:

    I think it is very good, but I think I cannot live like the Amish. Because I need my stuff. I think I don't need my cellphone but I want to watch TVs, flowers and I want my photos in my room. And I want to marry an Australian so - I think i cannot fit in the Amish.

    I think it is good!! no cars!! mans the air is clean. It is like a survival!!

    I can't live forever but I would like to experience the Amish life style for about a week. like a home stay.

  14. typed by Huskey for Akane

    I think their lifestyles are bad because there are so many rules in their lives. For examples they can't read books (only the bible), use electricity, wear colorful dress even take pictures. The lives are limited and the rules are so many and too difficult. Then they are not angry. I was very surprised at this. Their feelings are also limited by the rules!! But the rules are not all bad. Their lives are good for the environment because they don't depend on the technology. I can't live without technology. The technology is TV, computers, telephones, and so on, so it is always supported our lives. Therefore thier lifestyles have both good and bad things. But I think that rules may be relaxed a little more.

  15. Typed by Huskey for Misaki I.

    I think the Amish life style is bad for me because I usually use technology. For example, I often use a cellular phone. If I can't watch TV and listen to the radio, it will be ok. But if I can't use a cellular phone, I can't bear. It is very important to talk with my friend or boyfriend by e-mail for now me, so I can't guess and understand the Amish life style.

    But Amish like the simple life style and believe the religion, so it is not bad. I researched about Amish in the internet. I found a book which written about one girl and her families of Amish. The title is "It was good to be created in Amish". The story is one girl and one boy broke a rules and listen to the radio and the things ere exposed but their father and mother do that too. Parents always said to children "person do bad thing by nature" so children surprised about their parents not perfection, but they more love their parents and they learned about how do get used to being right for God?... that is talk to friend about anything honestly. At last that happen made them happy and they thought "it was good to be created in Amish".

    From these things, I think Amish are love their life style so it is good, but it is impossible for me. Thank you.

  16. copied from edmodo for Kotoe

    It's so difficult to answer about the Amish life style is good or not.
    We live with technology or chemical as usual.
    But it's not normal for the Amish.

    Most of people think the Amish's life style is not good,all ripht.
    I think their life style is not the way to live for us is the reason why people think so.

    Anyway our life style is not normal for the Amish.
    It's the point why l can't deside my opinion.

    for now I can't answer the right answer.
    But for now I think
    ・to try to understand each difference.
    ・Don't think badly the difference.
    is important in considering.

    I'll think more about it with friend's opinion.
    And then, i'll have my opinion.

  17. I think the Amish lifestyle is not good for me now, because I can't live without electricity. I want to send message with my friends to use LINE, e-mail, Twitter and Facebook. These tools we can share that our opinion, pictures and so on. But when we can't use electricity, it's very difficult for us and I couldn't use these I was not come to this school now. Why I came to here, because I want to talk many people with English. I can't use electricity, I can't go to abroad and I can't talk so many people like now. Maybe I'm not fun if I lived like Amish people. Then I will run away from Amish people and go to the place where I can use the Internet, watch TVs and more which Amish people can't do!

    But I think the Amish lifestyle will good for me when I will be an old lady, because I can use electricity well now, but in the future I can't use it well sometime. I don't do something special things maybe my life will be like the Amish lifestyle.

    1. Arisa-

      Good post. You make some great points. Why do you think the Amish people choose to live like they do? Why do you think that they believe technology is bad?

    2. I think so too.We need electricity.It`s difficult for us to part with phones.Maybe I can`t stand too.

    3. J Huskey-
      I think the Amish people don't like technology, becouse sometime technologies are not good for our life. For example, I don't like air conditioner, because we use much time, we will catch a cold. I think the Amish people don't like some problem that happen by the technology.

  18. Hello ~
    I think The Amish life is really boring ,because they can not do this and do that.The Amish can not use transports,electricity and even they can not take a picture.The woman must cover their heads all day.Imagine if the summer comes they will be hot all day .I can not live like The Amish.I need cars ,phones and so on.Some friends said that they like The Amish lifestyle because it`s simple.But if you really live in an Amish community,I think you will be crazy.Don`t you think so ?

    1. Yuje-

      You make a great point? Sometimes when we sit at home and there is nothing to do, we go crazy, right? I know I do. However, I also go crazy when I live in a world where I have to worry about money, rent, bills, bills, bills. Sometimes, I just want to live where life is simple. A small house and just enjoy life in a slow and peaceful way. It doesn't mean I should not use technology, but I think sometimes I wished life was a little more easier for everyone. Sometimes I wish people would just take time to relax and enjoy time with friends and family without checking emails, logging onto facebook, & so on. What do you think? Do you sometimes get frustrated with a "high-pace" life?

  19. I think Amish lifestyle is not fit me.Because simple life is good for the earth,but electricity,phones,cars...are necessary for me to live.
    Amish woman have to cover their heads all day.They can`t curl or cut their hair.They can`t wear buttons or jewelery,wedding rings or watches.Why they can`t do it?I can`t understand this rule.I love fashion so I think having individeality is important for people.People with no individuality is bord.
    Amish helps their neighbor.It`s good thing.However bind a person with many rules is not good so I think it`s bad.

    1. Yeah, you're right. They're so strict when it comes to their rules. But we just have to respect their traditions.

    2. Aki & Mizaki-

      It is true that it is hard for us to understand their lifestyle because we see the world different from them. However, Mizaki is correct. We must respect their beliefs and traditions without judging them too harshly. We all have lived different lives, so our experiences shape our opinion of the world. Each person sees the world differently and chooses to live their life how they see fit.

  20. I respect Amish people and the way they choose to live life. I may not believe the same as they do, but how can I not respect people that are so dedicated to their faith and actually LIVE what they teach every single day. It’s good to live in a simple way and it’s healthy, too. They know how to use money and resources wisely. It’s also like a green living lifestyle. However, it’s bad because I think they’re too strict when it comes to their rules. Like for example, children leave school at thirteen or fourteen because they don’t believe in higher education. Every child has the right to be educated. I think it’s not right to stop them from studying just because of that rule. It’s also inconvenient because even telephones are not allowed in their houses. How can they even call if there’s an emergency? Even the way they transport and do some things. But their lifestyle reminded me of how much we structure our lives around available technology.
    I think it would be a peaceful life but I’m not sure if I could live that way all the time. I’m so used to having these technologies around me.

    1. Mizaki-

      Why do you think they do not believe in higher education? What is bad about higher education through the eyes of the Amish?

    2. Actually I don't know. So, i tried to search the internet and i found out that they have two reasons. 1. Practicality-Amish trades are agricultural or craftsmanship-oriented; Amish emphasize apprenticeship and hands-on learning
      and 2. Religious Objections-Amish feel higher education can promote ideas counter to Christian values.

      I still can't understand them but we can't do anything about it. It's their beliefs and we have ours. Like what i said to Aki's comment, let's just respect them.

    3. Mizaki-

      I agree 100% that we must respect other peoples' beliefs even if they are different from our own. However, questioning their beliefs does not mean we are disrespecting them. It just means we are curious about the reasons why they choose those ideas.

      Many people cannot understand why higher education is a problem. However, for strict Christian principles, higher education can be a means of questioning Christianity and learning about other beliefs which can lead many astray. To some, that seems to be the way of the "devil". To others, it is part of life to live and learn and can be also been seen as a way to reinforce their belief in God.

      Everyone looks at education and other parts of the world, like technology or clothing, differently, so there will always be things we do not understand because it is different from our own. However, remember that everyone's experience has lead them to their own beliefs, so just like you said, it is important that we learn to respect people and their beliefs.

  21. Amish's life style is good for environment but, I don't want to live there. Because Amish lifestyle is too boring for me.
    If I were Amish I can't watch TV ,I can't have cellphone, I can't ride a car . Now I know how technology is useful. It is necessary for me to use technology .
    But, strict rules and traditions are helping Amish people . They can live with slow time because they don't care about time I think. Keeping rules and traditions are difficult because times are changing rapidly.(We live in 21c)
    I respect Amish people.I hope they can protect their traditions and rules... But I can't live like Amish

    1. I think you are right. They have strict rules. I think we have to respect the amish, too.

  22. I think the Amish lifestyle to be bad for present us.
    Because we do not stand without technology in this time when we live.
    We always use a smartphone or a computer in daily life, carry out various activities.
    We contact it by an email and work with a computer and am indispensable to life.
    And it will be very boring time if there are not television or a radio.
    Therefore, without such an electric appliance, we may not live.
    In addition, the Amish can not enjoy a fashion not to be able to put on accessories or a clock in the body.
    Furthermore, we can not attach the wedding ring which is a pleasure most for a woman.
    I think that personality disappears by such a thing.
    However, I think that the Amish lifestyle is very good after having retired from work.
    We can live a life calmly because there is enough time.
    And, We can interchange like a human being each other because there is not technology.
    As a result,there are good things and bad things in the Amish lifestyle,so
    I think that it is person each.
    Now,I think that the present lifestyle is better than the Amish life style.

  23. I think the Amish lifestyle is not bad, because the Amish lifestyle is good for environment. They live without technology. I don`t want to live as the Amish, because there is no technology, so there is no iphone, computer and air conditioner.
    I can`t live without those,but I think the Amish feel very comfortable, because maybe they don`t feel stress more than people who live in urban life, so there are good side and bad side in the the Amish lifestyle, so people can choose. If you want to live as the amish you can be the Amish, if you don`t want to live as the amish you don`t have to be the Amish.

    1. I think so,too Misaki!
      Maybe it's not comfortable to live like their style for us,but it's comfortable to live like it for them.
      To live without stress is the best life style I think.

  24. i esteem Amish for there strict life rule, they live like the ancients. they believed, no desire .no dissipation .

    modern people depend on technology too much ,certainly,technology is useful for our life ,we can have a convenient life .Amish life style is too strict i think ,why they can't have flowers in the house ? flowers are natural things in the world .

    simple life is good ,but time is continue to make progress , properly use some things to get better live is okay .

    and some rule is not good i think ,in my research,a girl was violated by her brothers.because she reported the case to the security authorities ,She was excommunicated from the Amish community,but her brother just got confinement for 90 days .
    it is unfair !!

    so Amish life style maybe good ,but i don't think i can live in an Amish community , if i have chance ,my i like to try .

  25. I think the Amish lifestyle is good, but I can't live like them.
    If I live their life style, I can't call someone,I can't watch TV and I can't drive. I can't have and use any electricity! I can't imagine to live without electricity! It's boring for me.
    Now, I can't live like them, but if I get a chance, I want to try to live their life style in the future.

    1. I think so,too. We need technologies.
      It`s convenient for us.
      Let`s try to live their life style with me(*^_^*)

    2. (typed by Huskey for Kaede

      Mio, I think so too!! I think we depe3nd on electricity! So I can't live without them. But, I want to live like them, too!

  26. I think Amish lifestyle is not good but not bad because I want to try to this style!I think it is fun:)Maybe they have no stress.
    Because there are many animals and no technologies.

    But they have a lot of rules.I don`t like bind.So probably I couldn`t live in with them:(And I need air conditioner.I like good temperature.I don`t like hot temperature.


    1. I think so too,Ayaka. Amish lifestyle has no stress. They looks happy in these pictures.

  27. I think Amish lifestyle has good side and bad side.
    They do not use car and electronics. So their lifestyle do not discharge toxic waste. They are good for human and the earth.
    I think Amish lifestyle is hard for me, because they do not have cell phone. I always depend on it, so I can not live in Amish.
    But I can stay in Amish`s village only one week.

    1. Akari!!!!! I think so too!! If I were Amish people,I cannot live without technology...I will not be able to stand...

  28. I think Amish lifestyle is not bad. But it has good sides and bad sides.

    Good sides;The Amish people help thier neighbor. They don't use technology.
    →They can help each other anytime!!!!! They don't waste money and natural resources.It is good for us and environment.

    Bad sides;The Amish people don't believe in higher education. They are behind in the latest fashion, technology and so on.
    →I think they must believe in higher education for thier children!! because if they want to study more in high school, they cannot study.

    We always use technology.For example, smart phone, car, TV and so on. Maybe we cannot live without technology. It is very hard and uncomfortable for us to live like Amish. we should learn something from Amish lifestyle. I want to live like them.

    1. I think so too Yuka!

      I think higher education is important for someone need it.
      Times are changinig.We neeed to learn a lot from education.
      It is necessory.

      as Joshua and Mizaki said.

  29. I like the Amish's life style.
    Their life style is cool and free for me.

    I want to enjoy adventure with my favorite horse.
    If I conldn't use the cars,planes and ships. maybe at first

    I will miss those things. The reason why is I knew how

    those things are useful.
    But if we decides no technology there are only two ways

    to move around.

    Walk or ride horse.

    We have to walk or ride horse if we want to go

    somewhere. It will be necessary,and also it will be fun.

    I thought Amish education rule is bad.
    If someone really need or want higher education,we

    shold give it. It will help our life more nicely.We always

    need genius person's idea.

    Most of my friends thinking about bad sides. For

    example,We can not communicate with friends without

    Moving around horse is dangerous.
    In fact it is true,but I want to get positive thinking.

    We can get communicate on letter,not e-mail.

    We can enjoy riding horse when we could get nice

    relationship with horse, horse will be our best friends.

    Live with the Amish people will be good experience to

    notice how we depended on technology!!!
    Probably many people and maybe I will miss smart-

    phone, computer,car,refrigerator,miclo wave


    It is proving how technologys are improving now.

    We should think and respect The Amish's life style.

    Most important thing is "We should respect others".

  30. (type by Huskey from Asami's paper)

    I think the amish is bad. If I been had to live like the amish's style, I could not lived and run away.

    Because the amish can't have phones, watch TVs and cut hairs.

    In other cases, in the world, the society which grew up more than old days became globalization but I think the amish is not global. I think the amish is inferior than other people.

    But the amish has only bad side it's very good for the earth. The amish move good for the earth.

  31. (typed by Huskey from Kaede S's paper)

    I think Amish lifestyle has good side and bad side, so I can't decide it is good or bad.

    First, I'll explain about good point. Their lifestyle is good for the earth because they don't use electronic goods, and they have their identity, so their tradition has still here now.

    Next, I'll explain about bad point. Amish children have to leave school when they are 14 years old. because they don't believe higher education. despite electronic goods is very useful for them, they can't use them. I think their rules are strict. Whey do they use electronic goods?

    In conclusion, I think Amish lifestyle is not bad, but they should try to use electronic goods!

    I want to live like the Amish someday.

  32. (typed by Huskey for Naoko)

    The Amish lifestyle is very simple and peaceful, but I think too reject about technology. The world will develop an industrially from now on. The Amish people will leave behind another countries. If I lived in Amish, I wouldn't like to live, because I like to watch the TV, so it's hard for me but they don't have to study until university. It's happy for me but we don't study, so we are not have enough knowledge.

    Some people say good about the Amish lifestyle, but I think the Amish lifestyle is a little bad.

  33. hello~
    I think the Amish life is not good for me
    Because I can't do many things. I can't imagine without electricity
    As in ordinary high school girls I like use LINE and Facebook and e-mail to send
    message with my friends. Imagine if I can't use cellular phone maybe I can talk
    with friends in school but how about Chinese friends? I can't talk with them
    I think huskey also think so right?

    1. I agree with you. If I lived like the Amish, I could never meet you! It is big problem for me!!

  34. (posted by Huskey for Rikiya)

    Sorry for late post.
    I think the simple life is good,but I can't because I had gotten the technology.Its not easy to leave from technology,so I respect them more than Mizaki lol. Probably,the Amish lifestyle will not match me,but no-high education is gonna match me except IRS!!! ...Anyway,I heard the talking among three girls three days ago.One of them said"How will you connect to Wi-Fi in abroad?"and one of them answered"Hummmmn,its the biggest problem for us.We can just hope that our host family has Wi-Fi at their house." Isn't it crazy?or scary? They don't worry about the relationship between their host family or the gap of lifestyle from the culture,and so on.. Its the MONSTER made from technology.What I wanna say is don't depend on technology too much.The simple life like Amish people is ok,but just don't depend on technology too much.
    Thats all for late post lol.

  35. I'm so sorry for the late post.
    I don't think the Amish life is good. First, I can't understand why they don't cut their hair, even though ancient people cared about their hair styles. It is very unsanitary. I guess that some of the Amish people suffer from sick scalps...
    Second, I think it is bad custom that they have no opportunity to communicate with foreign people. I really enjoy talking with foreigner. I'm sad that the Amish people never experience it.

  36. (posted by Huskey for Yukino)

    I think the Amish life is good and bad points

    I can't live without technology because I always use technology. phone, computer and TV. But I become accustomed in as much as one week. So, this point is no problem for me if I have patience.

    But, I can't understand what don't wear your favorite clothes and cut hair because I wear it commonly. I have long hair but I can't have patience the rule.

    However I want to experience the Amish life once in the life.
